When Octane finds a potential vulnerability in your smart contracts, Octane’s Code Fix engine automatically kicks in to better understand the surrounding code, the underlying vulnerability, the intention of the developers, and draft a fix to the vulnerability.

Octane’s Code Fix Engine is trained from the ground up to best fix vulnerabilities in solidity smart contracts. After the engine generates a fix, our code explanation engine fires up alongside it to provide an easy-to-understand summarization of why the fix solves the underlying vulnerability, and what it may change about the threat model of the underlying code.

Coming soon is the ability to one-click open a Pull Request on your repository with the draft fix, where humans on your team can give it the final approval before being merged in.

While it specializes in issues detected by Octane, the Code Fix Engine may also be accessed by itself following an audit to suggest fixes for each of the auditor-identified issues.

This can massively cut down on the cost and time needed to send back code to auditors for reevaluation. found